•Steven Gray was the Overall Champion Piper at Blairgowrie Games 2023
The Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games is supported by The Competing Pipers Association and it is now accepting solo piping entries for the Games which take place on Sunday, September 8, 2024.
Email entries to the Solo Piping Convenor, Stuart Samson at
piping@blairgowriehighlandgames.co.uk indicating which events you wish to enter. Closing date for entries is Sunday, August 18, 2024.
Competitors will be notified in advance of their draw for each event entered. The entry fee is the admission fee taken at the gate to gain access to the Highland Games.
Senior Events
Registration open from 10am to collect competitors number badge. All events start at 10.30am
- Senior Piobaireachd (Open)
- CPA B Piob
- CPA C Piob
- CPA C grade M and S/R (will start on completion of Senior Piobaireachd)
- Senior (Open) M and S/R for all other grades
Junior and Local events
Entries on the field
- Open, Under 18 M and S/R – Register and Draw 11am and start 11.30am
- Junior Local, Under 18 M and S/R – Register and Draw 1.30pm and start 2.00pm
- Senior Local M and S/R – Register and Draw 1.30pm and start on completion of juniors
Any questions should be emailed to Stuart:
A list of all the CPA, Junior and Local solo piping events can be found in the Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games website:
https://www.blairgowrie highland games.co.uk/piping-competition