Snap to it – it’s World Play A Strathspey Day!


Pipers around the world are being encouraged to record their favourite strathspey tomorrow (Wednesday 15th) and share it on social media with the hashtag #playastrathspeyday.

Hands up for Trad, a music education and advocacy organisation based in Scotland, is behind the ‘World Play A Strathspey Day’ idea. A spokesman said: “It is a blatant attempt to let even more of the world hear our fabulous music. We have chosen strathspeys as they are tunes particular to Scotland and we would love everyone to join in.”

To get into the spirit here’s a 2008 clip of Roddy MacLeod playing two strathspeys followed by two reels: The Shepherd’s Crook, Piper’s Bonnet, Little Cascade and Cockrel in the Creel:

• In the next edition of the Piping Times, Donald MacPhee writes about piping for dancing. It’s a ‘must read’ for any piper and contains great tips and useful information