SPA Veterans contest results

L-R: Logan Tannock, Ann Lore, George Johnston, Brian Mulhearn and Allan Hamilton.
L-R: Logan Tannock, Ann Lore, George Johnston, Brian Mulhearn and Allan Hamilton.
L-R: Logan Tannock, Ann Lore, George Johnston, Brian Mulhearn and Allan Hamilton.
L-R: Logan Tannock, Ann Lore, George Johnston, Brian Mulhearn and Allan Hamilton.

The Scottish Pipers’ Association held its annual contest for pipers aged 60+ at The National Piping Centre Otago Street in Glasgow last night.

Competitors are required to play a slow air and march of their choice. The results were:

1. Logan Tannock; 2. Ann Lore; 3.= George Johnston and Brian Mulhearn; 4. Allan Hamilton.

Best slow air – Logan Tannock.

spa logo

The oldest competitor was Allan Hamilton.

The judge was SPA President, Tom Johnstone.

The contest took place prior to the SPA’s regular monthly Club Night.

Today sees the organisation’s annual Juvenile Contest at the same venue, followed later tonight by the third heat of the Knockout competition. This heat features Steven Leask and Sarah Muir.