SPA votes Logan Tannock as new President

Logan Tannock.

Logan Tannock was voted the new President of the Scottish Pipers’ Association at the organisation’s annual general meeting last night.

Logan, who lives in Clackmannanshire in central Scotland, takes over from Tom Johnstone who did not seek re-nomination. Logan was previous Vice-President.

Logan is well known face in the piping world. Retired from competitive piping he a respected solo piping judge, and a member of the Atholl Highlanders. He is an active piping teacher with many pupils and played at last month’s SPA centenary night celebration event at The National Piping Centre Otago Street; the AGM took place there prior to the SPA’s usual monthly Club Night.

Brian McKnight and Hugh Anderson remain as Vice Presidents.

• The first semi final of the SPA’s current Knockout competition takes place tonight at The National Piping Centre. Steven Leask and John Patrick are the pipers. Doors open at 7.00pm.