Covid impact survey for Scottish Traditional Arts


This survey is relevant to anyone resident in Scotland, over 16 years of age, who has any connection with Scottish Traditional Arts. It is being conducted by Dr Simon McKerrell and Dr Jasmine Hornabrook on behalf of Creative Scotland – Scotland’s national arts public body.

Here is the link to the survey:

They wish to hear from any Scottish residents who practice, engage with or participate at any level with Scottish traditional arts (e.g. audience member, volunteer, maker, technician, amateur practitioner, semi-professional, professional, teacher). Scottish traditional arts include music, dance, storytelling and crafts. We refer to Scottish traditional arts as practices that have grown out of oral/historical traditions in Scotland or are newly created, but shaped by characteristics derived from historical practices in Scotland, or those defined as Scottish traditional by the practitioners themselves.

The survey will take about 15-20 minutes to complete and can be completed anonymously if desired. The researchers hope you will take the time to complete the survey as fully and honestly as possible. The aim is to collect responses from participants of any language, gender, ethnic group, age or ability, providing you have some connection or experience of Scottish Traditional Arts.
You can contact the researchers here: Dr Simon McKerrell & Dr Jasmine Hornabrook