By Derek Doyle, Learning Development Officer
The need for the Education Scotland inspection of The National Piping Centre was two-fold. First, in order to allow TNPC to recruit non-UK students for certificated programmes of more than six months, we are required to have educational oversight. So, it was the first hurdle on that journey. The second reason is one that became more apparent as we worked in preparation for the inspection – it would be a very beneficial activity for the Centre to engage in and would, if successful, provide a robust and recognised endorsement of the value of what we do.
Three inspectors came in for two days, with each already having spent a day scrutinising our policies and procedures, and then a final day each in the writing of the report. So a fairly intensive process.
The two day visit involved professional dialogue with teaching staff, students, and observation of teaching. They also examined our learning resources including the library, museum and our online teaching resources on Google Classroom.
TNPC came through it very successfully, with two grades of Good and one of Very Good. This is a significant achievement for such a small organisation and for a first inspection. It is down to the hard work and dedication of everyone who teaches at The National Piping Centre. We are the first independent institution at a college-level to achieve it, and have been invited to be featured as a case study to encourage other centres to get involved in the process.
The report is now public on the Education Scotland website.
•The National Piping Centre, McPhater Street, Glasgow. Photo: JohnSlavin /