Ratae Pipe Band present a concert of top solo piping in Leicester


The Ratae Pipe Band was formed in 2022 and is based in Leicester. The band is planning a fundraising concert of solo piping with Stuart Samson and Ben Duncan on Saturday, November 18, in Syston, Leicester – see flyer below for details.

The band is led by Pipe Major Bryon Brotherton MBE who is ex-Pipe Major of Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Pipe Sergeant Syd Charles told Bagpipe.news: “Bryon originates from Leicester and when he left the army he moved back into the area and was approached to put a competing band together.  Our leading drummer, Ed Latimer is also ex-army.

“The band was formed last year with the focus on competing and starting off in Grade 4B. We have different standards of players in the band, some that have never competed, some that are veterans at competing, but also with a big focus on youth. We currently have five youngsters from the age of nine to 14 years old, so we have a real good mix.

“As with any band we are always on the look out for new members of any age. Within our members there is a wealth of pipe band knowledge and musical experience that can be passed on correctly to help with the musical ability of the band.”