2024 Inveraray Highland Games Result Sheet
Piping Convenor: Brian Spalding
All entry forms must be received by the Piping Secretaries no later than 26 April 2024.
If you have any queries please contact the piping team at piping@inveraray-games.co.uk
Please be advised that competitors will be admitted to the field this year without being issued with a Games Pass. Please make yourself known to a steward on arrival at the field to be admitted.
All senior competitions are limited to the first 25 entries received, a draw will take place after the closing date and if required a reserve list will be used. Competitors not picked in the draw will be notified and refunded through PayPal.
Entry Fees
Chanter £1.00
Junior events £3.00
All other events £5.00
Please note on the day of the competition the following number of tunes must be submitted to the judges:
Under 18 Open
2 Piobaireachds
2 Marches
2 Strathspeys/Reels
Tunes to be given to the judge on the day
3 Piobaireachds
3 Marches
3 Strathspeys
3 Reels
4 Piobaireachds
4 Marches
4 Strathspeys
4 Reels
Failure to observe any of these rules or instructions of the stewards may result in disqualification and/or refusal of entry in subsequent years. While every effort will be made to ensure that the competition runs as details above, the Piping Convenor reserves the right to make any changes necessitated by unforeseen circumstances.
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