The inaugural Hayland Gathering is a free event being held at the Hay Park number 1 Oval, following a street parade leaving from The Hay Visitor Centre at 11am.
There will so much to see for the whole family.
FULL bar facilities run by the Hay Cricket Club and BBQ by Hay Magpies and food vans available for meal purchase.
Expect to see many different activities on the day.
*The Riverina Titles Highland Dancing Competition
*Heavy events – Highland Muscle
*Live music
*Pipe band displays
*Scottish Clan information
*Market stalls
*Highland Dancing display from Morven Johnston – 2nd in World Championships
*Children’s activities run by Hay Youth Task Force including archery,
*Kilted Dash for cash – foot races
* Golf Tournament at Hay Golf Club
*Ceilidh at the Hay Services Club at 6.30pm Fireworks