Sisters are doing it for the fight

Piping Pink debut concert
The all-female band takes to the stage at the Charles Luney Auditorium in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The all-female band takes to the stage at the Charles Luney Auditorium in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The first concert has taken place of the all-female New Zealand pipe band that aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and raise funds to fight it.

The band’s first concert took place on May 5 at the Charles Luney Auditorium in Christchurch.

A total of 32 pipers and drummers played on stage with a three-piece backing band. Included on the bill was the Bras and Brass band and country singer, Suzanne Prentice.

The girls take a photo opportunity before the show.
The girls take a photo opportunity before the show.

Piping Pink! is made up of 45 female pipers and drummers who have many years’ experience of performing at Grade 1 level. Included in the ranks are Meleana Eade, Marion Horsburgh, Tracy Williams and Sian Lancaster.

Sheran Hancock, a music teacher at Palmerston North Boys’ High School and ex-Pipe Major of Feilding Pipe Band, is the band’s Director. She told Bagpipe.News: “I am extremely proud to have worked with so many amazing and professional musicians and support people. I cant wait to do it all again.”

Sheran Hancock.
Sheran Hancock.

The band’s next concert will be an as yet to be determined venue on New Zealand’s North Island. Piping Pink! may also been take part in the Manawatu Tattoo in September 2020.

For interest, the tunes the band played at the debut concert were:
Solo Drum and Pipe
Quartet –Pay the Piper
Castle Dangerous
Oran Canntaireachd
The Lion King
Drum Salute
2/4s – 25 KSOB and Mrs John MacColl
Hornpipe/Jig – Carradale Bay and The Clumsy Lover
Scotland the Brave, The Rowan Tree, I Love a Lassie, We’re No Awa’ tae Bide Awa’
Skye Boat Song
Highland Cathedral
Amazing Grace.