Kinlochard Gathering entry form

Bobby Allen is pictured with judge Keith Bowes at last year's Kinlochard Gathering.
Bobby Allen is pictured with judge Keith Bowes at last year’s Kinlochard Gathering.

The Kinlochard Gathering takes place on Sunday, July 14. This is always an enjoyable community gala day/mini Highland Games held in The Trossachs village of Kinlochard.

Pipers assemble at the Forest Hills Hotel in the village and lead a parade to the games field at 11:30. The main event opens at midday.

A junior solo piping event was first held in 2015 and since then has usually attracted a good entry. Competitors are to play one round of 2/4 and 6/8 marches, and another round of tunes of their choice.

The Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust sponsors the piping. James Beaton from The National Piping Centre is this year’s judge.

Click the link below to download the entry form: