What’s good for the goose …


A new ‘Goose’ competition is to be trialled at this year’s Festival of Juvenile Solo Piping Competition in Ayrshire on October 19.

It is to be an Open event for players under the age of 16 who are in their first year of playing the pipes and have not yet made the move from chanter to full pipes.

Event Co-ordinator, Gerard McClumpha said: “We’re trialling the goose contest this year to see what the uptake is. Entrants should not have competed on pipes previously and players will not be allowed to compete in either the Chanter competitions nor in any other piping events. They’ll also not be able to compete in the ‘Goose’ event next year.

2019 Chanter winners  with Judge, P.M. David Clark and Provost Ian Clarkson.
2019 Chanter winners with Judge, P.M. David Clark and Provost Ian Clarkson.

“We’re increasing the entry fees slightly as well (for the first time since 2007). To offset this, we will be making entry to the school free for parents, tutors and family members. All the money is donated to the North Ayrshire Cancer Care Group.”

2018 Junior and Senior Champions, Luke Kennedy (left) and Ross Conner
2018 Junior and Senior Champions, Luke Kennedy (left) and Ross Conner

The popular competition takes place annually at Auchenharvie Academy, in Stevenston.

The closing date for entries is September 13.

Entry forms and information:



