More classic articles / New collections

Captain John A. MacLellan MBE.

More classic articles from our archives have been uploaded to the site today. From 1980-1981 Captain John A. MacLellan MBE published an introductory pibroch pieces that provide a sound explanation of the structure and notation of the music. The series was aimed at the junior piper but the information will be of interest to all those who have an interest in learning this branch of our music. The series can be found HERE.

Two new collections have come to our attention. The first is The Blue Book of Contemporary Bagpipe Music. Produced by Paul Brown of Fife, Scotland, the collection comprises 75 pieces of contemporary music from 37 leading composers such Michael Grey, Robert Mathieson, Finlay MacDonald, Alen Tully, Lincoln Hilton, Ross Ainslie, Calum MacCrimmon, Alasdair McLaren, Fred Morrison and Chris Armstrong among many others. Bob Worrall contributed the foreword.

Profits from the book, priced £13.50, will go to NHS Scotland charities. Mr Brown said: “Currently, we are still researching exactly where in the NHS we are going to donate the money and are taking guidance on the matter … There is a collective called the NHS Charities Together whom I believe to be running a fund for NHS Scotland directly.”

The design and typesetting have been undertaken by Davie Hunter and Lorne MacDougall respectively.

The book is available currently on pre-order from Kingdom Thistle Pipe Band Supplies but will also be available from a few other retailers shortly.

Meanwhile, Ali Hutton, the well known traditional musician and producer, is in the finishing stages of producing his first collection, At Home. As the title would suggest, Ali has put his period of self-isolation to good use.

Some of the tunes have been recorded by bands such as Treacherous Orchestra, Symbiosis, Old Blind Dogs and Kinnaris Quintet.

At Home is available to pre order HERE.