In two weeks the LBPS Annual Collogue explore Patrick MacDonald’s Collection of Highland Vocal Airs


The Lowland and Borders Pipers’ Society Annual Collogue will take place at Mabie House Hotel, an atmospheric 17th-century country house just outside Dumfries (DG2 8HB), on the weekend of 8-10 November 2024. The main theme is Patrick MacDonald’s Collection of Highland Vocal Airs which was published 240 years ago and which offers much for the bellows piper.

The AGM will be held midway through the conference.

Bookings can be made here. Timetable (timings are approximate):

Friday 8th November 

Evening Session in the bar.

(Please make your own dinner arrangements. A two-course meal for £35 will be available if anyone wishes.)

Saturday 9th November

09:30-09:40 – Convenor’s Welcome and Introduction

09.40 – Chris Bacon: Why Patrick MacDonald’s Collection of Highland Vocal Airs is of significance.

10.00 – Allan MacDonald The Argyllshire Airs section.

10.30 – Tea and coffee.

10.45 – Christina Anderson: Thomas Bewick and the Vocal Airs.

11.15 – Stuart Letford: The Preface and the context.

11:45 – Bruce Hitchings MBE BEM: The portal into the harmonic universe.

12:15-12.30 – Group session.

12:30 – Lunch.

13.15 – AGM.

14:15-15:00 – Pete Clark: The Perthshire Airs section.

15.00 – Tea and coffee.

15.15 – Lindsay Davidson: Musical structures in the book.

15:45 17.00 – Group session.

18:30 – Dinner.

19:30 – Evening concert featuring Allan MacDonald, Pete Clark, Christina Anderson, and the LBPS Ensemble

Sunday 10th November

09.30 Zexuan Qiao: Why there’s no such thing as ‘Border’ pipes’.

10.00 Allan MacDonald: The North Highland Reels and Dances section.

10.30 Tea and coffee.

11.00 Chris Bacon: Intaglio and letterpress – printing the Vocal Airs.

11.30 Group session.

12.30 Lunch then depart