Tag: Culloden

Aspects of tuning – pitch, scale and drones

Aspects of tuning – pitch, scale and drones

By Roger Gould-King Today, there is a phenomenal increase in the number of pipers. Whether this is because of the increasing popularity of the instrument or whether it is a natural incremental function of the population explosion is not clear. What is clear is that along with the global expansion […]

The 1743 Lord Lovat-David Fraser piping indenture

The 1743 Lord Lovat-David Fraser piping indenture

Few, if any, documents connected with the early history of piping have been more frequently cited than the 1743 indenture in which, as writer after writer has claimed, the Jacobite Lord Lovat of the ’45 agreed to send his servant, David Fraser, β€œto the Isle of Skye in order to […]