Tag: Roderick MacDonald

The history of the Argyllshire Gathering, part 19

The history of the Argyllshire Gathering, part 19

1937-39 By Jeannie Campbell MBE In 1937 the balls and games of the Argyllshire Gathering were on September 15 and 16. Five clan chiefs attended the opening ball held at the Gathering Halls on the evening of the 14th. They were: Col. MacDougall of MacDougall, chief the MacDougalls; Stewart Appin, chief of […]

In full flow. The Clasp competition at the 2019  Northern Meeting.

Modern pitch

By Thomas Pearston The photograph of four chanters, below, is a confirmation of the rise in pitch over the past 50 years. Chanter A is a chanter from the First World War, B is about the early 1940s and C is a modern chanter as played to-day. D is a […]