CLASP announce ‘Live Online’ League Winners for 2024

•Charles-David Mitchell; Mariko Arimoto; Adam Aitchison and Steve Langford

By Margaret Houlihan

CLASP run three ‘Live online’ competitions using a Zoom platform setting throughout the year. This format has continued from lock down and allows amateur adult pipers to compete ‘live’ from the comfort of their own home and from anywhere in the world. Once the live video performance is captured, they are emailed to the judges for consideration.

Congratulations to the four winners!

Grade 1: Charles-David Mitchell 

•Charles-David Mitchell

Grade 2: Mariko Arimoto 

•Mariko Arimoto

Grade 3: Adam Aitchison

•Adam Aitchison

Grade 4: Steve Langford

•Steve Langford